
Roof Construction
The shape of the roof is like a large open umbrella. It is made of the same scaffolding as the main structure, covered by a red fabric skin. Tadao Ando states that the theatre without this roof would be its ideal form, but of course thats not possible because of the weather. At the end of some performances the tent is peeled back. Each of the three pieces of fabric can be pulled back by ropes, if its appropriate for the performance the roof can open up.

The material of the outer skin is a plywood panel, the panels are painted black. Old Japanese fences are often oil stained black like this. Spaces left between each panel allow light to filter through. During the day, natural light filters in through these slits. At night, the red glow of the interior is visible from outside. The overall colours are red and black, red is the colour used for celebratory occasions in Japan.

An entrance lobby is usually very bright, but the lobby is kept very dark. You come into the lobby and it is pitch black. In the house of the theatre, light filters up from underneath the seating.

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