
Bridge_Michael Cross 'Walk on the water'
As you enter a disused concrete church, your eyes are greeted by a giant pool of deep, dark water covering most of the floor space. One clue only a small staircase that seems to finish in the water itself. Reaching the top of the stairs unleashes the magic, as a small wooden step suddenly rises from the depth, inviting you to continue your walk on the water itself. As you do, another step emerges. There is no point in turning back from your intriguing journey : as the steps emerge in front of you, they also disappear behind. The displacement of your body weight makes the steps rise and fall..until you reach the middle of the pool, 30 steps and 12 meters off the shore. 

Outside Event
Atelier in situ - Projections and La Machine a Voir
"The projections form an ephemeral architectural project-event : the images spontaneously and momentarily appear then disappear. Transient and without physical depth, the projected images successively float on the buildings surface."

Spill Out was created by hand weaving a thousand strips of spandex into a structural frame. Bronet (with  Sid Fleisher and Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company), Historic Gasholder Building, Troy, New York

Trampolinist, Church of St. Stephan, Germany
"The priest drew inspiration from the video installation and left it running during mass. Some of the heads of the worshippers were moving up and down, following the movement of the trampolinist as he appeared and disappeared on the screen. Oddly enough, their gaze followed the movement implied beyond the screen and onto the floor."

Body in Repose
Cubicles sculpted out of felt allowed visitors to rest in quiet, womblike environment. The soft enclosures muffled sound and permitted visitors to withdraw into a state of light contemplation.

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